Digging Deeper

Digging Deeper: Blue Tape Special 5

July 31, 2016

It’s that time again. By that, I of course mean the time when I unload a delicious plate full of all the best things I’ve been listening to lately. There are a lot of different sounds on this one but all feel familiar in one way or another. Have a listen and find something new to love forever.


Julia BrownAn Abundance of Strawberries

This is an album of lo-fi inexactitudes woven together into a beaming piece of heartbreak unhindered by convention. Each track is like a character in an epic, untold love story turned distant dream.


Snail MailHabit EP

What I love most about this EP is its sense of anxiety. It’s searching and longing for more in warm, nostalgic tones and a heap of questions both big and small. Lindsey is certainly a songwriter to keep an eye on.


Zula – “Getting Warm”

Every piece of this song is kinetic. Their particularly curious take on indie rock is both inviting and engaging, never more so than on this new one. They are in town August 10th.


HOO HAS – “Hanna”

This tune rocks. It’s the latest in catchy, gruff Brit rock and it’s perfectly suited for summertime adventures.


Dorsal Fins – “Sedated”

There is a distinctly quirky seamlessness to the shake, rattle, and roll of Dorsal Fins’ latest. They are just so good at feel good pop with chunky layers that all smile back at one another.


Harley Alexander – “Staring At Photographs”

You can’t let the summer pass you by without at least one listen through Harley Alexander’s Harland, especially “Staring At Photographs.” Its guitar melody collides perfectly with Harley’s voice and the brief pauses left by the syncopated rhythm guitar and shaker. Recorded in a cabin but perfect for the open road, this one will leave your mind wandering into the sunshine.


The Prams – “Mess”

I think this band still exists in one form or another and it would be a shame if they didn’t. Short and sour, this is some classic, fast Brooklyn pop with spunk.


Weird Dreams – “Joan”

This was one of the last tracks from Doran until this year. It’s like a psychedelic hallucination soup at room temperature.


The Preatures – “I Know A Girl”

Sydney’s sleekest songwriters are back. This has a distinctly 80’s feel and production but that same punchy bounce that they do so well.


Eat up! And if you like these, you can check out 1, 23, and 4.

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