Digging Deeper

Digging Deeper: Cyberbully Mom Club – “Kind”

May 20, 2015

Cyberbully Mom Club are undeniably effortlessly cool. I knew very little about them before seeing their first ever full band performance at last year’s Walla Fest. Around that time, they were going through the beginning of the transformation into the fabulous four-piece they are now. Cyberbully Mom Club’s Soundcloud page reads like the lo-fi pop diary of Shari Heck, alternating without order between Heck’s intimate bedroom recordings and full band versions of her life musings. Her writing has grown with maturity and complexity over the past year and the latest addition their Soundcloud page is the perfect example. “Kind” can be found below in its original solo and acoustic form and above as a full band. Texturized and brooding, it effervesces with the same comforting familiarity of Heck’s subtly gruff lilt swathed in soothing guitar riffs. But, the full band version is a noticeably wonderful enhancement of the mood and character of the song, infusing its original delicacy with fervor and drive. With their honest approach to releasing music and connecting with their rapidly growing fan family, it’s a joy to follow them and be continuously treated to their unique tunes. It’s also fun to see them at least half of the shows we go to in Philly. A blossoming member of the Philly music community, Cyberbully Mom Club is a band I’m sure I’ll be loving for a long time. Nestle into some of their previous releases in descending chronological order below.


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