
Video & EP: Sheer Mag – II

April 21, 2015

Sheer Mag has been one of the coolest acts to come out of Philadelphia recently. Hailed by critics, bloggers, and fans alike, the group have a punk heart, classic rock grit, and an unrivaled ability to sonically and lyrically “stick it to the man.” Singer Christina Halladay really lets loose on her fuzzed-out rants overtop irresistible riffs and steady beats. James Rodenhouse put together a sweaty and slightly abstract clip for “Fan The Flames” of Sheer Mag doing what they do best: an energy packed live show. It’s kind of nice to see all the band members spotlighted in the studio shots where they might normally get lost in a haze of overdriven guitar and flailing hair.

Sheer Mag’s second EP appropriately entitled II also came out this week on Katorgaworks and it really packs a wallop. Most effective as a collection, the songs burn with memorability and angst that never seem to quit. Pretension is lost on screaming sass of Halladay and the searing guitar that only hold allegiance to the churning drums. The only thing better than listening to the recording version is seeing it unfold in spontaneously in a crowded room.

Favorite Track: Button Up

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