Swell Lists

Playlist: Modern Movie

January 26, 2024

Rolling… and … Action!

We’ve been revisiting how we discover new music recently and what kind of discovery brings us the most joy. There is a special kind of magic that comes from connecting with a song first via a movie or TV show soundtrack that we wanted to revisit. It’s a joyous feeling when you pause to search the lyrics or hunt down the titles in the credits when a song in a scene hits home. So this week, made a playlist of new(ish) songs that we think would make us pause a movie to look them up. There’s great emotional pull and catchy and clever lyrics on our mostly indie rock collection for this week. Lucky for you, we’ve put them into one handy playlist so you don’t even have to pause. Find a new song friend and start your own music discovery journey with our cheat sheet of soundtrack-worthy tunes below!

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