
Video: Jimmy Whispers – “Your Car”

October 10, 2019


Welcome back, Jimmy Whispers! Ever since you made us slow dance in giant group hug to Louis Armstrong’s “What a Wonderful World” at CMJ , we’ve missed you quite a lot. “Your Car” is an effervescent tune that pines as fervently as ever. Still floating in Jimmy Whisper’s ever-sparkling world of production, “Your Car” is a delightfully lo-fi struggle to escape the darker side of relationship that just keeps coming back around. Its pain is beautified by the shine of synth, flute, and a warmly comforting bassline.

The clip for the song was directed and edited by Jimmy himself. Two beautiful goth lovers go on a date in a bright and colorful, beachside amusement park when things take a turn for the bloody. That blood flows into a smoky singalong from Jimmy and returns to (Where else?) the car. It’s juxtaposition of opposites and imagery is clever and perfectly suits the tune.

You can listen to more Jimmy Whispers here. We hope to hear more again soon!

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