Digging Deeper

Digging Deeper: Pop Up #3

August 30, 2019

Here at Swell Tone, we love a good pop song. Whether it is a sing-a-long chorus that hits just right or the perfectly articulated bounce of synth, sometimes a well-written pop song is all we crave. We wanted to find a home for all of our favorite pure pop hits. Thus, Pop Up was born. Every month, we bring you the songs that won’t stop spinning around our minds and making our hips shimmy. Enjoy round 3!

meija – “Laugh It Off”

This song felt wonderfully familiar from first listen and we thought it’s because we recognized the songwriting. And that’s because we did. meija is the music of Jamie Sierota who you might also know as a former member of Echosmith. While Echosmith certainly know their way around a pop song, we liked “Laugh It Off” much more. There’s a certain nonchalance in the vocal delivery and slow progression of synth that’s really engaging. Much like a time-lapse of a flower blooming, this song is patient and peels away gently to reveal a beautiful pop refrain that, naturally, will never leave our head.

Listen to more meija here.


BAUM – “Bad Kid”

Somehow tantalizing, mysterious, and so approachable, the newest from LA’s BAUM is a mood as much as it is a song. “Bad Kid” is an apology that melodically bends in all the right places. The subtleties within the production really elevate this track and allow BAUM’s vocals to expand and form around it.

Listen to more BAUM here.


Salem – “Bad Word”

We were mesmerized by this single cover and this enchanting and colorful pop song. It’s just so good. What this song gets so right is the subtle movements between phrases, the absolutely massive chorus, and the softness of the vocal delivery. Changing intriguingly in pace, it is that song you can’t wait to sing in your car, your shower, your kitchen, and really anywhere. At only 19, Salem surely has so much more in store for us and we can’t wait.

Listen to more Salem here.


Mallrat – “Charlie”

You know we love Mallrat already and couldn’t get enough of the cuteness of her One Swell Day piece. But, “Charlie” might be cuter. It’s nice to hear her cathartic, warm, and reassuring music also be anthemic. Mallrat has a gift for turning sweet, innocent details into the brightest portraits of days and love and life. This song about her dog Charlie is the perfect pop intro to the cozy days of fall and still something to swivel your hips to.

Listen to more Mallrat here and come with us see her play in Portland at Holocene on October 5th.


Bec Sandridge – “STRANGER”

A Bec Sandridge live show seems like it would be unbelievably insane. Thrashing in unabashedly from the start, her latest song, “Stranger,” is dysmorphia, depression, and anxiety rolled into an ear-drum pelting blast of pop. And, it just keeps getting bigger and better. Amongst the cavernous guitar, there’s still moments of twinkling synth and whirring vocals that sort of drag the listener in and out of the big chorus in an accordion-like progression that fits the mind-swirling message of the song.

Listen to more Bec Sandridge here.

Check out past Pop Ups here and here!

Stream all of our pop loves in one big playlist below:

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