One Swell Day

One Swell Day: Sam Evian

July 15, 2019

Sam Evian is an artist we’ve loved for a long time. We think it’s partly because Sam Owens, the musical mind behind Sam Evian, makes the kind of music that really holds up over time and partly because he’s one of the kindest, most authentic people we’ve met in the music industry. Sonically, he’s established a warm and gentle sound that glides over a rhythm section with a bit of funk. His music is graceful and soft with an articulated backbone and usually a bit of searing guitar. At the shows we’ve seen him and his band play, Sam has always been quick to chat with fans after who love to play the guitar as much as he does. There’s something memorable and endearing about the way he is able to create art that resonates with so many.

Perpetually touring, Sam took some photos on a disposable for us on tour over the past couple of months, particularly on his route around the Pacific Northwest this winter. With those photos, we’ve also included some film photos we snapped at Sŵn Festival in Wales last year and from Sam’s show earlier this year here in Portland at the Aladdin Theater. Completing the small window into his touring life, we’ve paired those photos with a playlist of a few of our favorites from Sam over the years and some of his favorite songs from his Forever Songs playlist on Spotify. It starts with his latest release: a cover of Gerry Rafferty’s “Right Down the Line.” Check out the pictures above and the playlist below.

Sam Evian will be back in town here in Portland for Pickathon in early August.

SAM EVIAN: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Website | Spotify

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