One Swell Day

One Swell Day: Westerman

July 23, 2019

The pervasive peacefulness of Westerman’s music always draws us in. Will Westerman (aka Westerman) has a way of reimagining gentleness with a steady pulse and shimmering production. As guitar, synth, and a pattering of drums form into and intriguing cadence and sparkle in the background, Westerman’s voice remains silky and forever unhurried at the forefront. He’s created an immersive sound with a coolness and a glow unique to his musical mind that always feels just right.

On his stop through Portland earlier this year at Mississippi Studios with Puma Blue, Westerman and his band took photos for us on a disposable camera and we took some snaps of him on our point and shoot. Take a good look at the audience pictures and you might even find us. We’ve paired those photos with a playlist of some of our Westerman favorites and a selection of songs from his Singer Songwritering is Cool playlist on Spotify. Westerman’s transformative, new cover of Simon & Garfunkel’s “Kathy’s Song” produced by Bullion starts the playlist. Look above and listen below.

WESTERMAN: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Website | Spotify

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