
Session: Shannen Moser

November 29, 2016

Shannen Moser‘s music is the twinkling diary you can scream to whenever your feelings just need to come out. Her voice reaches out in a raw and fervent plea that lands on the softly undulating bed of plucked and strummed acoustic guitar chords and sometimes whispers of synth. She packs little life lessons into short and sweet melodies with a certain effervescent sparkle. Delivering her small stories with urgency, Shannen has a unique way of connecting her heart to yours in a lo-fi love punch of pop with slight tinges country. Her album you shouldn’t be doing that was one of our favorites last year but it is her live performance that really brings the magic of her music to life. We wanted more people to be able to experience just that.

On video, we wanted Shannen to shine in an atmosphere that felt big and open but also like home. Clark Park in West Philadelphia was that perfect spot. A neighborhood hub for fresh food, friendly gatherings, and lots and lots of dogs, the local favorite park is just as inviting and warm as Shannen’s music – especially when coated in the colors of mid-Autumn. Our Australian filmmaker pals Dean Swindell and Vincent Chen shot the session along with our forever favorite Bob Sweeney and made the intimacy of listening to Shannen in such a wide open space truly come alive. Jake Detwiler transformed Shannen’s soaring voice and quiet strums amongst the swirl of the surrounding park sounds into one ambient fall dream. Watch her play two released tracks and one untitled new one as she sits and strolls through Clark Park above.

See Shannen live on December 10th at All Night Diner with Arthur Shea, Fern Mayo, and Swanning as they all play to raise money for ACLU.

The originals:

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