One Swell Day

One Swell Day: Eating Pizza with Lauren Rearick

March 1, 2016

Founder of Pittsburgh music blog The Grey Estates and purveyor of pop, girl power, and dreams, Lauren Rearick is an all-around wonderful addition to the world of music and just so happens to love pizza too. Lauren is pretty inspiring. Jon from Wake The Deaf does a great job of outlining why in his piece on her brand new compilation (co-curated with Negative Fun Records) of female and gender-neutral acts covering old classics: Sugar Rush. Her impressive ability to constantly love and support musicians on a genuine level never ceases to amaze me.

“Pizza Princess” is chock full of a wide range of motivating femme pop. Perfect to bite through hunks of cheesy goodness and unashamedly shake your rump to, this sassy but sweet list of tunes has a fluttering heartbeat and a backbone of attitude. Pair it with her candy-coated compilation (linked below) and you’ve got yourself one indulgent pop dinner. Flip through snaps of her pizza-fied likeness above.

More Lauren Rearick: The Grey Estates | Facebook | Twitter | Sugar RushWebsite

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