
Compilation: GROUPHUG II

July 31, 2015

Denver-based label GROUPHUG have packed aural delights in a variety of flavors into their new label compilation. GROUPHUG II flirts with sub-genres spanning almost the entirety of the pop/rock spectrum. The eclectic collection proves that Colorado is filled with talented musicians who deserve to be heard much more than the embarrassingly large number of times I have already replayed this compilation. Listening intently will reward you with a new favorite discovery each time. Its sounds, overall, are warmly reassuring and a bit nostalgic with a distinctly lo-fi elegance.

Young Fang‘s “Born A Lie” trudges slowly through a gritty, sultry rock while Little Blind‘s “Just Last Week” sways on a a pair of distant guitar riffs and cloudy vocal refrain. Obstructed rhythm and fruit-filled lyrics jar a very poppy melody into something even more engaging on StaG‘s contribution, “Colorado Suicidal.” The sprawling mathy grandeur of “Generaliam” by Tallows and epic progression of “Hindsight” by Family Hahas are countered in the short spurts of sunny repetition in Marti & The Dads‘ “Growing Up Not Growing Old (Filling Up on Extra Gold)” and the intentional sparse trinketry of   Sketches’s “Nice Hat Wrench.”

GROUPHUG II is a deftly curated compilation whose richness speaks wonders to the music nestled between major industry hubs. For more GROUPHUG(s), try GROUPHUG I or Super Bummer’s Blushing In The Night EP.

Favorite Tracks: Hindsight, Sixties, Born A Lie, Just Last Week, & Only Sun

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