
EP: The Rotten Mangos – The Rotten Mangos

February 28, 2015

The Rotten Mangos‘ self-titled, debut EP is a psychedelic wash of sunny goodness. The duo from Austin have compiled a collection of spacey, limber melodies that swirl in the hazy voice of Ramiro Verdooren. Reverberating synths and punchy guitar lines collide gracefully with the drumming of Cristian Sigler, rising and falling in intensity as the EP progresses. Hints of nostalgia peek through in the lingering “Moose Knuckles” that bursts into and fades out of warbling instrumentation. “Krishna’s Throne” plods along a steady drum beat and pronounced guitar line as harmonized ‘Ah’s languidly echo in the background. The Rotten Mangos EP is an easy and satisfying listen that will leave you in a blissful state of peaceful wonder.

We come from a planet far away made entirely of smelly old heaps of rotten fruits (predominately mangos) and one day decided to come to earth with our instruments to escape the terrible odor that haunts our nostrils to this very moment.

Favorite Track: Moose Knuckles

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