“Circle, circle, dot, dot, now I’ve got my cootie shot!”
Before impressive/obsessive cyber stalking and Tinder, there was a time when you showed you cared by pushing your crush to the floor and handing over the last pink Starburst. Followed with a shy smile, this exchange often led to a “relationship” that set the playground abuzz (until naptime). Whether you met them in these puppy dog days or when you were older and slightly more experienced, your first love stays with you, sometimes forever. A tip of the hat to the heart-bursting, innocent love of childhood, this week’s playlist is filled with light and airy feelings that will leave you putting a heart around “Yes” on your scribbled invitation to love. With songs exploring emotions and pedal boards, the dewy vocals and infectious upbeats will leave your head in the clouds – just make sure to come down before snack time!