
Video: Ainsley Farrell – “Fireworks”

April 10, 2023

Our favorite American indie rocker in Sydney is back with a slow-burning tune about a Fourth of July called “Fireworks”. Less about reveling in the historical significance of the day and more of a realistic turn of events, Ainsley Farrell captures a certain loneliness and longing with vibrance. Caught alone in a cloud smoke as the fireworks light up the night sky, she uses that moment to reflect. The growing melody and the lead guitar both pull the song forward with a tempered fervor that swells but never loses control. Writing with just the right amount of fine lyrical detail, Farrell really brings the listener into and out of that haze as the song builds back from its repeated refrains of “I’m with you/Tonight.”

Farrell says of “Fireworks”:

It was the fourth of July in Rhode Island. I was working through some sadness and anxiety but forced myself to go out to see the fireworks with friends. We were biking down the river path thick with smoke when i lost them. I paused in the thick smoke and couldn’t see anything else around me. I could only hear the sound of the fireworks going off in the night sky and imagined what it would feel like to burn that bright.

Equally as enrapturing as its musical backdrop, the song’s clip that moves from quiet, almost still frames to a full dance routine. Directed by Genevieve Kaiser, the video nods to the overall Fourth of July theme in Farrell’s final outfit choice that echoes a modern version of Lady Liberty’s crown and gown. But, this version is made for movement. There’s a visual playfulness in the build up of the shots as Farrell practices her full dance routine in coordinated blue and white in a pacing that perfectly matches the track’s build.

Watch above and listen below to “Fireworks” from Ainsley Farrell and hear more music from her here.

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