Digging Deeper

Digging Deeper: Visual Playlist // Sep 22

October 3, 2022

Welcome to Swell Tone’s Visual Playlist: a playlist you can see!

A treat for both the eyes and ears, this visual playlist is a collection of the music videos we’ve been enjoying this month. We have always appreciated a good music video and find the creativity behind their aesthetic, stories, and composition to be just as impressive and immersive as the songs they enliven. A mesh bandit, a very punk trip to target, a soft-toned fast food tour, and lots of fuzzy collages come to life in this month’s collection of videos.

Watch above and find more information on the videos below. Enjoy!

1: Courting – “Famous”
Directed by Charlie Harris

2: Broken Baby – “Manager”
Directed by Tony Diaz

3: The Paranoyds – “Freak Out”
Edited by Quinton Hickman

4: Italia 90 – “Leisure Activities”
Video by Little Windmill Productions

5: My Son the Doctor – “MESH”
Filmed by Jacob Gonzalez

6: Humour – “pure misery”
Directed by Luke Ainger and Fred Qvortrup

7: Hércules – “OK, Poser”
Directed bMartim Braz Teixeira

8: whenyoung – “A Piece of Heaven”
Directed by Luke Ogden

9: All Things Blue – “Grog Log”
Directed by Dalton Pate

10: Whitmer Thomas – “Everything that Feels Good is Bad”
Directed by Whitmer Thomas

11: Pi Ja Ma – “America” 
Directed by Vicente Sahuc

12: Smut – “After Silver Leaves”
Directed by Aidan O’Connor

13: Dehd – “Eggshells”
Directed by Emily Kempf and Kevin Veselka

14: Sports – “Get a Good Look”

15: Oracle Sisters – “Tangerine”

16: Twain – “Walking II”
Directed by Joshua Shoemaker

See our other visual playlists HERE.

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