
Tune: T. G. Shand – “Little Sieve”

March 30, 2022

T.G. Shand‘s latest tune is a blissful, atmospheric delight. In the past few years, much time has been spent in reflection. On “Little Sieve,” Annemarie Duff (aka T. G. Shand) takes that process at the end of the New Zealand summer and wraps it in warm sonic cloak that feels as though it is bouncing rays of sunlight off of the ocean. It’s a track that persists gently and really invites the listener in without ever asking too much of them. There’s comfort in each return of the lead guitar riff and the soft edges of Duff’s voice echoing gracefully into all of the textures that surround it. As birds chirp sweetly and water laps beneath the surface of the mix, it is easy to get swept away in the song’s natural and fluid charm.

Listen to more from T. G. Shand here.

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