
Video: D.C.R. Pollock – “Lost Track”

April 2, 2020

The latest song from D.C.R. Pollock is an immediate rush of emotion in a timeless reality. “Lost Track” finds Pollock ruminating in a cyclical life pattern in search of betterment where his efforts to move his life forward have left other important things behind. There’s a cathartic pulse in the push of the acoustic guitar, steady piano, distant claps, and the slowly swelling build of the track’s many textures. In its most vulnerable moments, the hypnotic tune retreats to Pollock’s powerfully projected voice as it wells with feeling. Pollock describes the song as follows:

“‘Lost track’ is about my time trying to balance working at a warehouse and having a relationship; Prioritizing one resulting in neglecting the other. All of it while losing track of what I actually wanted out of my life.”

Made by John Rizkallah, the video clip for “Lost Track” is a great representation of the passing of time. In a warmly lit room with a sleeping companion on a couch, D.C.R. Pollock plays through seasons, holidays, and celebrations until the room ends in emptiness and aftermath.

A fitting mirror for society’s current predicament, “Lost Track” is the type of gentle and enduring tune that necessitates repetitions. The song is out now on Anxiety Blanket Records. Listen to more D.C.R. Pollock here.

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