Swell Lists

Playlist: Small Dancing for Small Spaces

March 20, 2020

When life gets you down, you know what you gotta do?

Dance small! We’re all in this alone together for the foreseeable future. Amidst the sickness and fear and doom and gloom, it’s important to find moments of happy and ways to move. From our personal isolation cell, we’ve compiled a list of tunes with just the right amount of groove to get your limbs in motion. So shake your arms and legs and knees and noggins to these warm tunes with a little pep in their step. We hope they bring you a bit of fun and flailing as you small dance about your day at home.

We’ve included links to any of the artists who have a Bandcamp. Feel free to buy music from these artists if you like what you hear since all of the proceeds from Bandcamp sales are going to the artist today:
Nick Griffith
Hey Cowboy!
Alice Phoebe Lou
Ginger Root
Car Seat Headrest
Beauty Queen
Do Nothing
Kiwi Jr.
The Stroppies
Penny Diving
Luka Kuplowsky

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