One Swell Day

One Swell Trip: Hittin’ the Road

November 16, 2018

Are we there yet?

We’re just getting started. Today, we’re off on our big, blog road trip from Pennsylvania to Oregon. Some of our favorite artists and fellow gals have joined together to make us a giant playlist of their ideal jams for the road. They’ve also each given a tip or two to stay fresh and fabulous while on a long car journey. We’ll be listening all the way and now you can too. Scroll through to meet the artists we love and the music they groove to when they travel.

Full playlist of 80 songs here or at the bottom.


Ainslie Wills

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Melbourne’s Ainslie Wills knows how to write a heartfelt pop song. Her latest single, “Society,” is a gripping charmer that also happens to be a great road trip tune.

Bring your travel pillow so you aren’t constantly bobbing your head against the glass window, wear your most comfortable pants and pack both healthy and non healthy snacks even though you’ll probably just eat the unhealthy ones…


Gia Margaret


Gia Margaret’s music is subtle, intentional, and hopeful. There’s a tinkling magic in the flow of her album There’s Always Glimmer that we can’t get enough of on or off the road.

Stock up on a few snacks you can’t get on the road. Sometimes snacking is limited to what a gas station offers so I always stock up on dried mango (from Trader Joe’s). Also I like to bring rose water for when the car air feels stale to spitz my face and hair. It’s refreshing!


Common Holly


Common Holly is much more than a singer-songwriter. Brigitte’s genre-defying blend of textures, tones, and heavenly vocals has a way of always becoming something bigger, especially on Playing House.

1. Feelings time. When feelings time is called everyone gets to rate their physical/emotional vibe on a scale of 1 to 10 and then explain. Damn does that ever help to clear the air.

2. Vegetables and fruits, my friends. Fresh juices! Smoothies! You won’t regret.


Jade Imagine


(Photo by Chelsea Sienna)


Australians are so good in life and particularly in music at a casual sort of cool that they make seem effortless. Jade Imagine really nails that on her debut EP What The Fuck Was I Thinking. It’s Jade’s smooth vocals combined with a sunny set of guitars and synth that give it an irresistible glow. In my wildest dreams, I’d not miss a night of her UK tour with Julia Jacklin.

If you’re truly going off the grid, out of reception, there’s this function in google maps where you can save the map to your phone so you don’t need an internet connection to zoom in for finer details. You just type in the google maps search bar “ok maps”.





MUNYA’s music can best be described as otherworldly. It floats with spunk and French flair through a pop sort of landscape and feels like such a genuine form of expression for Josie. Delmano has been rotating around my brain since its release.

MAKE SURE YOU BRING YOUR HOT SAUCE! I always bring my little bottle of Tapatio when I travel! haha! It’s so disappointing when you ask for hot sauce and they give you Tabasco! I love Tapatio or Valentina hot sauce!


Anna St. Louis

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When listening to Anna St. Louis’s If Only There Was a Riverit is easy to tell she loves old country music as much as I do. Working with a team of artists we also love, she’s created a brilliant, fresh, and modern take on country and folk music suitable for today’s dusty trails.

Bring sunflower seeds!


Madeline Kenney

Madeine Kenney_Swelltone


I’ve always love the unexpected progression and endings of Madeline Kenney’s music. Perfect Shapes is a fully fluid display of the broad strokes of her peculiar pop.

Listen to the podcast Cocaine and Rhinestones and also listen to country music while you drive through the desert. it’s cleansing.


Brigid Mae Power



I had the pleasure of seeing Brigid Mae Power play live just last week. Her performance was so enrapturing that it drowned out blasting bar music from below and captivated the crowd into silence. The Two Worlds patiently but steadfastly wades through curling melodies like an unplanned daydream.

Raw green food capsules for those times when you have to eat on the go and there’s not many vegetables in sight…


Drive along below!

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