
Session: Hour

February 20, 2018

Hour is a slowly echoing breath of fresh air. Amidst a music climate that tends to promote music as lyrically relatable content, the Philadelphia 6-piece take their time to create a sort of country-tinged, post rock with depth and intention. On their debut album, Tiny Houses, Hour personifies authenticity in subtle swells and trickling layers of quiet but meaningful sound. Tom from GoldFlakePaint gracefully describes the album in its entirety with the right combination of descriptive phrases and conjured feelings here.

From A Bus Window in Central Ohio, Just Before a Thunder Shower” feels just right inside an empty PhilaMOCA. Sitting in a perfectly unorganized fashion, Hour becomes as much a part of the art as the song as they perform the track with even more patience than the album version. Bob Sweeney‘s tight, slow-moving visuals and Jake Detwiler‘s accurate capturing of the warm, melded tones give this session a kind of effervescent glow that twinkles in the swells.

Tiny Houses is out now on Philadelphia’s own Sleeper Records. You can catch Hour live on the rest of their tour and back in Philadelphia again soon.

February 20 – Harrisburg, PA
February 21 – Pittsburgh, PA
February 22 – Columbus, OH
February 23 – Rochester, NY
February 24 – Ithaca, NY

The original:

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