
Album: Lowercase Roses – Surgical Pop

October 9, 2017

Lowercase Roses has captured life an intense, little rollercoaster of heartfelt emotion. Since his three song, self-titled EP at the tail end of 2014, Matt Scheuermann (aka Lowercase Roses) has been relatively quiet. He’s played the occasional show around in Philly (which always feels like a treat). And I’ve personally asked him if he’s working on any new music more than once when he’s working behind the bar upstairs at Johnny Brenda’s. All this time, he’s been quietly plugging away this earnest collection of surging, lo-fi pop called Surgical Pop.

The whole album feels familiar as it bounces from opposing dynamics with a loosely flowing grace. Starting confidently, “Dead Animal” punches it’s point across with subtle syncopation and an unnerving pre-chorus while “Oliver” both twinkles and blasts a worrying tale that also gives the album its name. That confident chaos continues in the transition from chugging guitars to dreamlike echoes of “A” and the fuzz-coated “Hymn.”

Scheuermann’s lyrics paint dark pictures and he redefines their gloomy hues by aligning them with specific textures and intensities. Fervent ballads like “Traveling Salespeople” and “Worlds” yearn with urgency intensified by their jolting melodies guided by Scheuermann’s bright voice. “Water and Wind” plays with a certain starkness in instrumentation and melody that makes the track one of the most engrossing of the collection.

Intimate portraits of life imbued with the grit of experience, Surgical Pop is the perfect listen for a weary, fall day. You can listen to and purchase the full album below. All proceeds from this album will go directly to the Attic Youth Center.

Favorite Tracks: Dead Animals in America, Oliver, Two Punks, and Traveling Salespeople

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