
Tune: Lomelda – “Interstate Vision”

July 10, 2017

Lomelda turns a contemplative drive into an otherworldly ascension on “Interstate Vision.” Lead gracefully by the songwriting and warbling lilt of proud Texan Hannah Read, Lomelda always seems to be searching, pining, and reaching for a sense of belonging. This latest track is a polished version of their expert navigation of both the intimate and distant moments that comprise such a journey. Read uses the familiarity of long car rides and the stagnancy of parking lots to mirror the push and pull of the drifting verses with the billowing chorus. Guided by the subtle vocal harmonies, twinkling guitar riffs, and the passionate plea of the refrain, Read guides the listener inside her grappling mind through shrouds of celestial imagery. The song’s fervency resonates with a promise of never letting go, even in the quiet moments.

Lomelda’s new album Thx is out on 9/8 on Double Double Whammy. You can pre-order it here. Never forget the beautiful “Ya w/Me?” that Lomelda contributed to our Summer of Sad compilation.

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