One Swell Day

One Swell Day: Eating Pizza with Bob Sweeney

January 15, 2016

No one knows more about the enduring link between music and pizza than our favorite Philly filmmaker, photographer, and friend Bob Sweeney. An endless stream of creativity and kindness, Bob is the visual mastermind behind our sessions. He’s been filming and photographing the music scene in Philadelphia for a number of years and has a knack for finding great artists at the beginning of their careers. Always willing to work on something new, Bob has amassed an impressively diverse collection of music videos and sessions – and eaten his fair share of pizza in between.

“Philly Pizza Night” is Bob’s soundtrack to a late night pizza run in the city. Featuring all Philly bands (some past and some present), the playlist highlights many of the artists he has worked with as it flows through genres, moods, and tempos. Like an ice cold beer with a steaming slice of pizza, it pairs perfectly with his shots of the city on film above. We even snuck in some snaps of him eating a bit of cheesy goodness!

Find Bob Sweeney on Tumblr | Vimeo | Flickr | Twitter

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