
Live: Tinseled Shut

December 2, 2015

Just in time for the holidays, we here at Swell Tone are happy to present to you our first live show with The Key: Tinseled Shut.

Tinseled Shut

Titled as an homage to a great Philly album from this year (Hop Along’s Painted Shut), the show will be a fun and festive mix of sounds from all over the city. We’d like to thank John Vettese of The Key for working very hard in curating this together with us. Our special guest will surely not disappoint and neither will this swell lineup:

Lou – Fronted by the talented and lovely Tess Emma, Lou tells indie-folk love stories driven by thoughtful guitar riffs and Tess’s saccharine voice.


Darla – If you’ve been following Swell Tone for awhile, you already know how much we love Darla. Our seven funky brethren’s tunes are so irresistible that smiling head nods, off-kilter stomping, and dad dance moves of all varieties are sure to ensue.


Straw Hats – A punk three-piece with attitude, heart, and boundlessly energy, Straw Hats are the loudest kind of unabashed fun you can have.

John and Shana will be doing DJ sets in between so your ears will never be without great music.

Full event info can be found here.

See you there! Don’t forget your holiday cheer.

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