
Tune: Krill – “Tiger”

January 30, 2015

Boston’s weird and lovable indie rock trio Krill is a band that deserves more attention. Their latest single, “Tiger,” is a great example of why. Interlacing a seven-minute tale about the death of a villager and a fish with mash of twinkling electric guitar riffs, the song progresses languidly but never so much as to loose a listener’s interest. Like many Krill songs of the past, is enjoyable as whole musical journey. The warm, peculiar tone of frontman John Furman’s voice, “Tiger,” leads from muted instrumentation to a culminating wall of whirring sound. “Tiger” is just one song off Krill’s upcoming album A Distant Fist Unclenching to be co-released by Double Double Whammy and Exploding In Sound Records on February 17th.

The fist unclenching is what happens after a tortured moment. It’s how to move from that anxiety without being too naive or too cynical – without being happy-go-lucky or saying, ‘Fuck it, nothing matters.’John Furman via Rolling Stone

The song below is when I first fell in love with Krill. It’s the most extended turd metaphor I’ve ever heard.

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