
Session: Queen of Jeans Pt. 3

December 5, 2018

Looking for proof that Queen of Jeans are living angels? Well, look no further. The gals of the band crooned the gentlest track off of their latest album, Dig Yourself, in the delicate greenery of the Curtis Hall Arboretum. Somewhere between a lullaby and a siren call, this live version of “You’re Never Alone” highlights the strength and melded elegance of their three-part harmony. Bob Sweeney shot the gals on a stoney bridge on Super 8 while Jake Detwiler captured the harmonies, rustling leaves, and cascading fountain in a clear but satisfying blend of sound. Dream along above and catch Queen of Jeans on tour with Hockey Dad and HUNNY this winter.

See our past sessions with Queen of Jeans here and here.

“You’re Never Alone” Original:

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  • Stephen Nitz December 6, 2018 at 1:53 pm

    Wow, love this. Thanks!