Swell Lists

Playlist: Gritty’s Lament

November 9, 2018

It’s been swell, Philadelphia.

 As my time in Philadelphia comes to a close, I can’t help but think I’ve been incredibly fortunate to be surrounded by such a varied and engaging music scene filled with beautiful people. If you’ve been following Swell Tone since our formation, you’ve seen and heard about all of our musical adventures here in the city. What you couldn’t see is the incredible kindness, generosity, and support that we have experienced from this music community and the people, places, and events that comprise it. I’ll be forever thankful for my time in this city and will certainly miss you grungy basements. But now, Gritty will hold down the fort in my stead as the blog and I move onward to Portland, Oregon. Here is a small sampling of 50 songs and bands I’ve really loved during my time in Philly. May you enjoy them as much as I have!

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