Digging Deeper

Various Swell Sounds #7: Great Big Splash

July 19, 2018
Friends help friends make thoughtfully curated playlists.


Logo by Stolen Chapstick

Various Swell Sounds is a collaborative playlist series from Jon Doyle of Various Small Flames, Jon Chin of Cereal and Sounds, and Shana of this swell blog you are reading right now. Instead of constantly exchanging tracks amongst each other, we have decided to work together to bring them to more ears. Every month, we match a selection of our old and brand new favorites to a specific theme.

The sun is hot and the water is just right. So, take a dip in our Various Swell Sounds playlist number 7: Great Big Splash. By the middle of summer, we’re all treading in endlessly sweaty days. There’s nothing like a refreshing swim to provide some needed relief. Less freestyle and more garage rock, there’s a current of fun flowing through this collection of summertime gems that will keep you afloat in a pool, the ocean, a pond, or a crick (classic Pennsylvania). Shimmy, shake, and backstroke to this fuzz-coated playlist of swimmers.

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