
EP: Peacock Affect – Image 27

October 18, 2015

Your inner existential voice has manifested and it’s in the form of Peacock Affect.

One man band George Holman released his new EP Image 27 last week and it will release waves of emotions you thought you bottled up a long time ago. Self described “emotional guitar music for the heavy hearted,” Holman begins and ends Image 27 with tracks “Painting Pictures of a Never Ending Mess” and “Sky Blue” that can only be described as journal entries set to song. Flowing smoothly from one track to the next, the six song EP in it’s entirety feels like having a deep conversation with someone who completely understands the darker parts of you. Layers of heartfelt harmonies and melancholic melodies are as complex and intertwined as you know the thoughts in his head must be. Rather than being lost in the overwhelming feels, Holman leaves listeners with the knowledge that these emotions are felt by many; there is solidarity in solitude. Questioning everything from self-worth to the world, his lyrics are careful articulations of thoughts that everyone has had. Perfecting the timing of varying tempos and the placement of piano, guitars, and soft, all-knowing vocals, George Holman illustrates the solace we can find in isolation and provides the soundtrack to wrap you up in it.

Favorite track: “It Just Isn’t The Same Anymore”

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