
Tune: Bop English – “Dani’s Blues (It Was Beyond Our Control)”

February 17, 2015

White Denim‘s frontman James Petralli has got bright and fuzzy sound as Bop English. Testing the waters on his own with a bit of a warmer sound than White Denim, Petralli has started off with an infectious and slightly unorthodox groove on his first single, “Dani’s Blues (It Was Beyond Our Control).” Overdriven guitars meet steadily pulsing piano chords that smash together through each chorus and jingle with gaiety through rambling verses. Welcoming on first listen and engraining with repetition, “Dani’s Blues” feels like no kind of blues at all. With the help of a number of colaborators, Petralli compiled this and the rest of the ten songs on Bop English’s debut album, Constant Bop, over four years and 100 hours in the studio. Constant Bop will be out April 13th on Downtown Records in the states and Blood and Biscuits abroad.

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