
Tune: Girlpool – “Alone at the Show”

December 18, 2014

In 2014, I developed a serious and not-so-secret addiction to Girlpool. These’s angsty gals from So Cal write incredibly honest songs in glaring, two-part harmony. After releasing their fantastic debut by themselves and then on Wichita Recordings in the past year, they have made quite the name for themselves as budding artists. “Alone at the Show” is their newest tune that comes to our ears as part of the latest tape compilation from The Le Sigh also featuring our other favorites Cyberbully Mom Club, Marge, Slutever, Free Cake for Every Creature, and Sales. A relatable tune about what sometimes happens to girls who attend shows by themselves, “Alone at the Show” powers through a short minute and 46 seconds with a slapping bassline and a scream-a-long chorus.

Side note: Girlpool are moving to Philly this year and we couldn’t be more excited.

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